Searching a non-noble metal catalyst for electrochemical energy conversion, such as oxygen reduction reaction (ORR) and hydrogen evolution reaction (HER), has been a holy grail for bringing electrocatalyst systems into more widespread applications. Among them, the transition metal complexes, characterized by a redox active single-metal-atom with biomimetic ligands, have been attractive for both ORR and HER. For instance, acid treated py-B12 (an MN4 structure) supported on reduced graphene oxide shows an enhanced HER activity with extremely high turnover frequencies per cobalt site in acid. Recently, we have developed a couple of facile methods to co-dope the MN4 structure with heteroatoms, either in coplanar or axial configuration. Two representative cases are (i) atomically dispersed cobalt on nitrogen and sulfur co-doped graphene to form Co-N3S electrocatalyst for HER, and (ii) axial chlorine integrated atomically dispersed single Fe-N4 electrocatalyst for ORR. The electronic and geometric properties of the MN4 catalyst can be effectively tuned by co-doping, leading to enhanced HER or ORR activities.
To study the binding and electronic structures of these nano-architectures, synchrotron radiation-based techniques, such as X‐ray absorption spectroscopy (XAS), X‐ray absorption near edge structure (XANES), and extended X‐ray absorption fine structure (EXAFS), have been employed. Moreover, the ORR mechanism of py-B12 is studied through operando XAS coupled with electrochemical impedance spectroscopy. Our results revealed preferential adsorption of oxygen at the Co2+ center with end-on coordination forming an oxo-like species. These experimental findings, corroborated with first-principles calculations, provide new insight into metal active-site geometry and structure evolution during ORR and can aid in developing material design strategies for high-performance electrocatalysts for fuel cell application.
Keywords: X-ray absorption spectroscopy, Electrocatalyst, Single-atom catalyst, MN4, in situ/operando.
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