Resonant inelastic x-ray scattering (RIXS) is a photon-on photon-out technique that combines features of scattering and spectroscopy. This element-, site-, and valence-specific tool has been proven to be a powerful probe to the excitations in condensed matter systems. With an improved energy resolution, this momentum-resolved spectroscopy becomes essential for studying the couplings between electronic and lattice degrees of freedom. Many interesting properties of quantum materials emerge from the strong correlations and competing interactions of these couplings. Investigating elementary excitations in energy and momentum space is crucial for unraveling these properties.
With the rapid development of RIXS in the soft X-ray range, RIXS has played an increasingly important role in studying high-temperature cuprate superconductors, battery materials, and other functional quantum materials. The new RIXS setup at beamline 41A of the Taiwan Photon Source has achieved a total energy resolution of 16 meV at the O K-edge [1]. In this talk, we will briefly review worldwide soft X-ray RIXS facilities, update the current status of the TPS 41A RIXS setup and discuss recent results on correlated electron materials [2-5].
- Singh et al., Development of the Soft X-Ray AGM-AGS RIXS Beamline at the Taiwan Photon Source, J. Synchrotron Radiat. 28, 977 (2021).
- Y. Huang et al., Quantum Fluctuations of Charge Order Induce Phonon Softening in a Superconducting Cuprate, Phys. Rev. X 11, 031038 (2021).
- Singh et al., Acoustic plasmons and conducting carriers in hole-doped cuprate superconductors, Phys. Rev. B 105, 235105 (2022)
- Y. Huang et al., Resonant inelastic X-ray scattering as a probe of Jeff = 1/2 state in 3d transition-metal oxide, npj Quantum Materials 7, 33 (2022)
- Singh et al., Exciton dynamics uncovering electron fractionalization in superconducting cuprates, arXiv:2207.12352